Use "jurisdiction|jurisdictions" in a sentence

1. Analytically, such authority involves three types of jurisdiction, namely: (a) prescriptive jurisdiction; (b) enforcement jurisdiction; and (c) adjudicatory jurisdiction

2. For some jurisdictions Caselaw has …

3. They are called small jurisdictions.

4. In some jurisdictions dosimeters are required.

5. Set up administrative and appellate jurisdictions.

6. However, Comity licensure provisions vary significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction

7. Adjudicatory jurisdiction is perceived to be a refinement of enforcement jurisdiction

8. Jurisdiction Percent (By Jurisdiction) Apportion Distance of Total X 80,000 lbs

9. Jurisdiction The jurisdiction of the Archbishop is twofold, episcopal and archiepiscopal

10. Adjudicatory jurisdiction is perceived to be a refinement of enforcement jurisdiction.

11. * Foreign Jurisdiction.

12. Other Allegations are required in a pleading to establish the correct jurisdiction, personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction

13. UN's jurisdiction, 64.

14. Confiscation is also known as forfeiture in some jurisdictions

15. The other jurisdiction of the High Court is the exercise of admiralty jurisdiction

16. Admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction

17. This would increase the protection for directors within absolute liability jurisdictions, but it would reduce protection for wage earners in those jurisdictions.

18. Jurisdiction has currently Adopted

19. Even customers from jurisdictions that levy sales taxes can in theory have additional tax liabilities when shopping in neighboring no-tax or lower-tax jurisdictions.

20. Prepare for the setting-up of administrative and appellate jurisdictions.

21. Some jurisdictions prohibit sex shops and the merchandise they sell.

22. Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments - Special jurisdiction - Jurisdiction "in matters relating to tort, delict or quasi-delict" - Concept - "Action paulienne" - Not included

23. All currency is my jurisdiction.

24. Comity is the courtesy one jurisdiction gives by enforcing the laws of another jurisdiction

25. Administration of justice through military tribunals and other exceptional jurisdictions

26. Some jurisdictions, such as Saskatchewan, sell gas by volume only.

27. New Mexico's not a retreat jurisdiction.

28. In many jurisdictions the Appellee is called the "respondent."

29. This is a multinational corporation operating in hundreds of jurisdictions.

30. Laws in many jurisdictions prohibit minors from entering a bar.

31. • Acute hepatitis B is a reportable infection in all Canadian jurisdictions.

32. Many jurisdictions have enacted laws to ban handheld mobile phone use.

33. Basically any trial court will verify whether it actually has jurisdiction under the rules of international jurisdiction.

34. 1 word related to Archbishopric: jurisdiction

35. 1 word related to Archdeaconry: jurisdiction

36. Various defendants Contended that the Italian courts lacked jurisdiction because of the jurisdiction clause contained in the prospectus

37. Brussels Convention - Special jurisdiction - Jurisdiction ‘in matters relating to tort, delict or quasi delict’ - Concept - ‘Action paulienne’ - Not included

38. Some jurisdictions prohibit the Burying of stumps, while others require a permit

39. Good afternoon comrades from the Anarchist jurisdiction

40. 12 This case falls outside my jurisdiction.

41. Offshore banks: banks located in jurisdictions with low taxation and regulation.

42. Archturncoat Can submit but not jurisdiction

43. Some courts have both original jurisdiction (that is, cases may be tried first in the court) and appellate jurisdiction.

44. We don't have jurisdiction over that area!

45. The commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to decide.

46. We have no jurisdiction on the reservation.

47. Welcome to Committee on Appropriations Committee Jurisdiction: Primary jurisdiction is fiscal bills, including bonds and alternative public financing

48. 20 Butler entreated him to remember the act abolishing the heritable jurisdictions.

49. Beadlery - Office or jurisdiction of a beadle

50. A coherent theory of jurisdiction is produced.

51. She says the Government must follow other jurisdictions and stop shark finning altogether.

52. Local governments also maintain Cadastral information for property ownership within their jurisdictions

53. Most court jurisdictions now have lists of attorneys who serve as Arbitrators.

54. In 1436, the League of the Ten Jurisdictions was founded in Davos.

55. Currently, all jurisdictions in Canada fund administration of acellular pertussis vaccine to adolescents.

56. Other techniques limiting the exercise of adjudicatory jurisdiction

57. In 1972 the civil jurisdiction of Assizes was transferred to the High Court, and the criminal jurisdiction to the Crown Court.

58. At the same time, they noted that "complete harmonization – perfect alignment of rules across jurisdictions" would be difficult, because of jurisdictions' differences in law, policy, markets, implementation timing, and legislative and regulatory processes.

59. Judicial authority having Competent jurisdiction ; Adequate for …

60. Territorial Extent of Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction

61. I want you out of my jurisdiction.

62. 23 A coherent theory of jurisdiction is produced.

63. 13 The territory is still under Russian jurisdiction.

64. 1 The commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to decide.

65. Because once again, it's outside the US jurisdiction.

66. Chapter five is an introduction to admiralty jurisdiction.

67. This division continued to exercise the admiralty jurisdiction.

68. It reflected essential drives within aristocratic society towards establishing political jurisdictions in local terms.

69. The foreign criminal jurisdiction and extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction which are relatively independent and interactive, are both important concepts of foreign criminal law.

70. Officials ° Actions ° Unlimited jurisdiction ° Claim for payment ° Admissible

71. They keep records of anything in their jurisdiction.

72. This case falls squarely within the committee's jurisdiction.

73. laws or administrative practices preventing the effective exchange of tax information with other jurisdictions;

74. Some negative behaviours by corporations may not actually be criminal; laws vary between jurisdictions.

75. De Sousa continued to market slaves after the trade was abolished in most jurisdictions.

76. In some jurisdictions, the gambling age differs depending on the type of gambling.

77. Other jurisdictions may have similar copyright provisions protecting fair use or fair dealing.

78. The recognition of particular Aggravating factors varies by jurisdiction.

79. Massachusetts asserted jurisdiction, and prevailed after a boundary survey.

80. 5 The offshore government claims jurisdiction over the mainland.